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Empire Extras
We have been asked for 3 and 4-player Basic Scenarios similar to Scenario A. The following are well-balanced setups for use as introductory scenarios for 3 and 4 players.

3-Player Basic Scenario

Player 1:
Isle of Becca (Strong)
Barlos (Favorable)
Ilanoer (Favorable)
Turany (Weak)
Harlook (Weak)

Player 2:
Relhyrn (Strong)
Khazon (Favorable)
Damodar (Favorable)
Sulan (Favorable)
Thessella (Weak)

Player 3:
Equilla (Strong)
Korath (Favorable)
Delvanor (Favorable)
Glain Marches (Weak)
Semeth (Weak)

4-Player Basic Scenario

Player 1:
Isle of Becca (Strong)
Barlos (Favorable)
Turany (Weak)
Harlook (Weak)

Player 2:
Relhyrn (Strong)
Khazon (Favorable)
Damodar (Favorable)

Player 3:
Equilla (Strong)
Delvanor (Favorable)
Glain Marches (Weak)
Semeth (Weak)

Player 4:
Ilanoer (Strong)
Korath (Favorable)
Sulan (Favorable)
Thessella (Favorable)

Copyright © 2000 Warhorse Simulations

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