the accursed share(ware) Mr. Dentist

Virtual Hygiene
PC only
Release date: Jan 99

A must for those with cavities in their mouth and their pockets Mr. Dentist is a self diagnostic tool with a simple Q&A interface which compares dental quality imagery with your teeth (hand mirror provided). It provides you with a definitive breakdown of probable necessary treatments and, with the online version, gives you comparative quotations from local dentists. The software includes a audio-visual history of dentistry from the gory rack and pinion days right up to present day painless (yeah right - ed) techniques. There is also an interactive guide to dental hygeine and a shoot em up game for the smaller kids called "Flossie meets the Plaque Monster". This is a package which makes practical use of the internet and shows you how root canal work is really done. Excellent fun for the whole family.


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